4 Axis Cutting Head

4 Axis Cutting Head

4000000 INR/Unit

Product Details:

  • Product Type CNC Water Jet Cutting Machine
  • Power Supply Electric
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4 Axis Cutting Head Price

  • 4000000 INR/Unit
  • 1 Number

4 Axis Cutting Head Specification

  • CNC Water Jet Cutting Machine
  • Electric

Product Description

4-Axis Cutting Head involves the same processes involved in 3-axis machining, where a cutting tool is used to remove material from a piece to create the desired shape and profile. This machine operates on the X,Y and Z axes, but it also includes rotation around the X-axis. In most cases, the workpiece will be rotated to allow for cutting to occur around the B-axis.

4-Axis Cutting Head is useful when holes and cut-outs need to be made in the side of a piece or around a cylinder. This can provide quick and efficient work based off computer numerical inputs for precise results. A 4-axis cutting head is a part usually utilized in CNC (PC Mathematical Control) machines, including different cutting frameworks like waterjet, plasma, laser, and the sky is the limit from there. This cutting head offers expanded flexibility and accuracy by empowering development in four distinct tomahawks. 

4 Axis Cutting Head

  •  Stone & Ceramic Industry
  •  Increases production by making negative angle in stone and ceramic inlay

Benefits of a 4-Axis Cutting Head:

4-axis cutting head gives upgraded capacities contrasted with conventional 3-axis cutting frameworks:

  • Multi-Point Cuts: The A-axis revolution permits the cutting device to make incline cuts and follow forms that aren't completely vertical or level.
  • Complex Shapes: The extra axis considers perplexing shapes and points that would be trying with just three tomahawks.
  • Diminished Material Dealing with: The cutting head can change its direction, limiting the need to reposition the workpiece.
  • Diminished Tighten: In specific cutting strategies like waterjet cutting, the A-axis can assist with lessening tighten in the cut, bringing about additional exact parts.


FAQs of 4 Axis Cutting Head:

What is a 4-Axis Cutting Head?

4-axis cutting head is a device or connection that can be added to a CNC cutting machine, permitting the cutting device to move in four distinct tomahawks: X, Y, Z, and an extra rotational axis, frequently alluded to as the A-axis.

What are the Tomahawks in a 4-Axis Cutting Head?

  • X-Axis: Even development along the length of the workpiece.
  • Y-Axis: Even development opposite to the X-axis.
  • Z-Axis: Vertical development, controlling the profundity of the cut.
  • A-Axis: Rotational development around an upward axis, permitting the cutting instrument to shift or turn

What Enterprises Advantage from 4-Axis Cutting Heads?

Ventures like aviation, car, metal creation, design, and assembling benefit from 4-axis cutting heads because of their capacity to make multifaceted parts and shapes.

What Kinds of Machines Utilize 4-Axis Cutting Heads?

CNC machines, for example, waterjet cutters, plasma cutters, laser cutters, and switches can be outfitted with 4-axis cutting heads to grow their capacities.

Are 4-Axis Cutting Heads Robotized?

Indeed, 4-axis cutting heads can be coordinated with CNC frameworks, taking into consideration robotized control of the development and cutting cycles.

Are There Limits to 4-Axis Cutting Heads?

While 4-axis cutting heads offer expanded adaptability, they may be more complicated to work and keep up with. Furthermore, the extra axis could accompany greater expenses.
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  • 50
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